23 November, 2016

I can't believe i haven't done this one before: input

While i was checking the mastery topics i had done and with one i haven't, i realize that this one i never did it, even though i always use the input function in the other videoblog, well, enjoy it.

Review TC101

Y al fin aquí estoy, terminando el semestre.

Nunca creí que mi primer semestre de universidad se iría tan rápido.
EL curso de TC101 me ha dado tantas experiencias, y lo que abarque en el video intentare no ponerlo aquí. En el video hable sobre lo que me llevo de la clase de Ken y su método de enseñanza, aquí intentaré abarcar el ambiente que viví en la clase.

La primera semana de clases no estuve en el país, por lo tanto llegue cuando ya todos se empezaban a formar los grupos de amigos, cuando ya se había hecho el recorrido por la escuela para que supieras donde estaban los salones y demás. Y para mí, que me considero una persona bastante tímida, que en mi parecer me cuesta hablarle a la gente que no conozco, fue una bienvenida dura.

Fue bastante difícil al inicio hablar con los demás, pero en la clase que se me hizo bastante cómodo fue en TC101, porque muchos eran de la carrera, y con los que empecé a hablar ahí les hablo de diario hoy en día, fue una buena clase con un gran ambiente para que me pudiera abrir con los demás.

Si me dijeran "Volverías a cursar clases con Ken?", les diría que sí, porque tiene un buen ambiente sus clases y diariamente aprendemos cosas que tal vez no tuvieran que ver con python, pero si con la vida de un programador, de como nos debemos de cuidar porque en el internet no estamos solos, y hay mucha gente maliciosa esperando poder entrar a nuestros sistemas para poder conseguir información, que usara para fines no tan buenos y debemos de cuidarnos.

Las ultimas palabras que tengo para TC101 es... "Arigato, Sayonara"


Where is my tupperware???

Well, when i say "tupperware" is not an actual tupper, it is just something that came to my mind when i read the word tuples and lists. My last parcial had this question but i read it before the test, so i had it in my mind, even though i haven't done the video, until now.

The new Call

I don't know why I keep thinking i have done more blog post, about the easy one at least cx, but now i just realize there are more that i never did .-.

Oh well, it is never too late to record them.

Extra blog: League of Legends

This extra blog was made because I started to play LoL, and because i always get nervous of when i will have my next champion, in the video is a little more explained of how the system of LoL works, so just watch and enjoy.

When i thin in my code, i think in using it only for me, but it has to be universal, and this is the last version, i only changed a few things

Extrablog: ECOAS

Las ECOAS son una encuesta que se le hace a los alumnos al final de cada semestre, en las cuales se les pregunta sobre diferentes aspectos de la escuela, desde los servicios brindados hasta como notaste a los maestros.  Y mi maestro ken piensa que las ECOAS son bastante importantes para los maestros, por lo tanto el día de hoy explicare el porque lo son, o al menos desde mi punto de vista.

Extra Blog: Proyecto de física

Hola todos, soy hispanohablante y cada vez que me escucho hablar en ingles pierdo mi seguridad poco a poco, así que decidí cambiar ciertas cosas a español, como la parte escrita de los blogs, y algunos videoblogs los haré hablando en español.

Espero que no sea un inconveniente.

28 October, 2016

Nesting with conditionals

Hi everyone, today i will explain to you how to make a nest in python with conditionals.

BTW, sorry for the noise in the video, but i was listening to music and the microphone just recorded like a noise

Basic Types, at least i got it xD

At least i got this mastery topic i skipped last parcial xD
enjoy it)?

15 September, 2016

A new function you need??? def is what you seek

I'm running out of time so, in this blog i explain how to create a new function on python3, and it can be used as many times that you want

"For Elif" get it???not Elise, Elif

I forgot to add some things in the previous video and in this one i explain it a little bit more.
enjoy it


If and else

In this video i will explain how to use the If and Else function

14 September, 2016

Now, the Yoga of... sorry... The Zen of Python

As you can see, I'm not the most creative person, so... I hope mi tittles don't scare you away

The zen of python it's just the zen of python, after you read the 19 principles you will understand right away

Print, not in paper, but in Python ;)

Hi guys, this is the video I made to explain how to print, the basic output.
In the video I forgot to explain it, but when you print text, you can do it in two ways:

   print ('Hi')
You can use any, but for example, if you have the next sentence <Don't eat that cookie!>, you can see that there is a ' inside the text, and the functions is going to interprete it like the end of the funcion, so it's better to use "".

Enjoy the video

#two #Runningoutoftime

A comment never hurt so much

Hi guys, in this video I will explain about the comments on Python, y hope you like it.


First Steps

Hi everyone

Mi first blog post will be about a tutorial that I made for the class about hot to install python3 with Cygwin. That time I made in class so I couldn't speak. Also I wanted to start with this because these are mis first steps in this world, maybe it's just installing a program, but every journey begins with a single step.

"It's dangerous to go alone, take python with you".

Also, for you to get to know a little bit of me, I'll try to attach a song in every post, so you can know what i was listening while I was blogging, just wait until I get custom to blogger.

And to finish, the topics I'll see in python are the next ones:
  • Use of comments
  • Python conventions (Zen of Python but others for other languages)
  • Basic types and their use
  • Basic output (print)
  • Basic user input (text based)
  • Calling functions
  • Creating functions
  • Importing and using modules/libraries
  • Creating and using your own modules/libraries
  • Use of the conditional “if”
  • Use of “else” with a conditional (and elif for Python)
  • Nesting of conditional statements
  • Use of loops with “while”
  • Use of loops with “for”
  • Use of recursion for repetitive algorithms
  • When to use what type of repetition in a program
  • Creation and use of Lists/Tuples (Python)
  • Creation and use of strings
  • Validated user input (ensure correct/expected data entry)
  • Reading and writing of text files
  • Creation and use of ranges in Python
  • Creation and use of dictionaries in Python
 This are some mastery topics that my teacher ask me to cover, so in my next video I will start with them.

Enjoy the first video.